Best Curb Appeal Update to do This Month
5466August is an excellent month to do some curb appeal updates. Number one reason why: weather changes are less drastic from day to night in most states. We are catching the tail end of summer so the heat is still there, but not drastic where work can’t be done during the day. One of the … Continued
2017 Top Ten Curb Appeal Remodeling Trends
5258In our last blog post we looked at reasons why you should hire a professional contractor to complete your renovation needs. Now, let’s look at how to choose the right professional. These tips will help you know what to look for when you are choosing a contractor. 1. Recommendations Look and ask for recommendations from … Continued
How to Stay Sane During a Global Pandemic
3075Right now, our world is facing an unprecedented time. Many countries are facing devastating effects from the newly spreading COVID-19. As schools, businesses, and even entire cities shut down, many of us are faced with uncertainty. What will happen? When will this be over? Will I be ok? Unfortunately, these are questions we have all … Continued