Right now, our world is facing an unprecedented time. Many countries are facing devastating effects from the newly spreading COVID-19. As schools, businesses, and even entire cities shut down, many of us are faced with uncertainty.
What will happen? When will this be over? Will I be ok? Unfortunately, these are questions we have all had to ask ourselves in recent weeks.
However, hope is not lost. This is a time for us to come together and help each other through this crisis. But how? The government has ordered everyone to stay inside. Well, we are here to help guide you through this difficult time.
- Spend Time With Family
Family includes some of the most important people in our lives. Their love is unconditional, and they know us better than anyone. Whoever your family may be tell them you love them and let them you know are there for them. Spend quality time and find comfort in the presence of your loved ones. The types of bonds that unite a family are unbreakable, even during a global pandemic.
- Pick Up a Hobby
With nothing else to do many of us have turned to T.V., movies, and video games for entertainment. Unfortunately, these outlets can only go so far before we find ourselves counting the specks in our popcorn ceiling. Now is the time to rediscover your love for a passion that was forgotten long ago. For some of us, this means reading books, painting our surroundings, or finally learning how to play the guitar. Whatever it may be find something that will stimulate your mind, body, and soul.
- Find DIY Projects Around the House
Because of work, school, and other commitments, there is rarely time to do some of the things we want. That bathroom that needs a new paint job or the blinds that need to be replaced have been waiting for a little TLC. Now is the time to pick up your toolkit and get to work. Once you are done repainting your room or fixing that annoying hole in your wall, a special sense of satisfaction will wash over you and bring a much-needed joy to life. (stay tuned for our DIY posts)
- Go For a Walk
As bad as timing as it may seem for something like a walk outside, it is not nearly as dangerous as it may seem. If you follow guidelines and practice social distancing (as established by the CDC and your local government), a walk through your neighborhood can bring the breath of fresh air you need. Not to mention as less and less people are driving cars that means less emissions and less air pollution. You may notice more birds singing, crisp air, and clear water. All signs of something beautiful among tragedy.
- Talk About What is Going On
As previously stated, we are facing an unprecedented time in our history. Many of us have never faced something quite like this and it may be hard to comprehend the true magnitude of what is happening. So, talk about it. Whether it be with a family member, friend, significant other, or even someone online talking about it can do wonders for both mental and physical health. We, as people, need to be able to release what is inside and we need to be there to support teach other when we do it. Although it is important to stay well-informed, there is a fine line between well-informed and oversimulation. Take care of all aspects of yourself including mentally.
Whatever helps you get through this, do it and make sure you are there to support others. We are in this together and it is going to take everything we have to get through it. So call your loved ones, check in on them, and let them know you love them. Find something you love and let it be your outlet. We will prevail.
Until Next Time